Getting Started

Foxit Developer Cloud API is a cloud-based platform for embedding and deploying web-based PDF viewers in a matter of minutes. It gives you access to Foxit’s high-performance PDF view/edit abilities without any need for development or server deployment. Foxit Developer Cloud API also allows you to customize the PDF viewer’s look and feel to add your own configuration, so you don’t even need a designer.

This article will get you started with the platform, general usage, working with projects and much more!


Welcome to your Dashboard! This is where you will find all the functionality and information about your DevCloudAPI platform:

In your dashboard home page, you will see the tracking information for the projects you create, the amount of requests for your PDF viewer and your monthly usage data. All the data is tracked live and updated in real-time while anyone is using the DevCloudAPI viewer.

Your projects will be listed as in the table below. We create a default project when you register with Developer Cloud API for convenience.

You may change the name of your project anytime by clicking in the ‘Edit’ button.

You will be prompted to modify the name of your project, and also set up new security options:

Secret – That is a password protection you can set to your own project API Key. This will ensure your project’s key is secured and the project can only be deployed by providing the secret key you set up here.

Website Restriction – This option makes your PDF viewer only accessible through a specific HTTP domain using a specific keyword. It’s an additional security option to prevent others to deploy the viewer in other websites.

However useful, these options are optional and provide a good way to further secure the access to the PDF viewer instances of your projects. If you have any difficulties or require assistance setting these options, please submit a form in and our team will assist you.


The first step to understanding how to deploy the DevCloudAPI PDF viewer is by creating or using a project. Essentially, a project is where your DevCloudAPI PDF Viewer will be hosted, where you will configure its settings before you deploy it to your website, CMS or application.

This is your Projects page:

Your projects will be listed as in the table below. We create a default project when you register with Developer Cloud API for convenience.

You may change the name of your project anytime by clicking in the ‘Edit’ button.

You will be prompted to modify the name of your project, and also set up new security options:

Secret – That is a password protection you can set to your own project API Key. This will ensure your project’s key is secured and the project can only be deployed by providing the secret key you set up here.

Website Restriction – This option makes your PDF viewer only accessible through a specific HTTP domain using a specific keyword. It’s an additional security option to prevent others to deploy the viewer in other websites.

However useful, these options are optional and provide a good way to further secure the access to the PDF viewer instances of your projects. If you have any difficulties or require assistance setting these options, please submit a form in and our team will assist you.

Creating and Working on Projects

Create a new project

To create a new project, click on the ‘Create New Project Button’:

This is a very simple action – just create a name and you're done. Let’s create our example project and call it ‘DevCloudAPI First Project’:

Click on ‘Add Project’, and that's it! Your project will appear in the projects table. We will work with the ‘DevCloudAPI First Project’ in these tutorials.

Setup your first Project

Any time you wish to open your DevCloudAPI project’s PDF viewer or make any change in the configuration, you must click on the ‘Setup’ button.

This button will automatically open the ‘Setup’ sidebar window:

It is very easy to set up your DevCloudAPI PDF Viewer and start using it. There are three basic ways of accessing the viewer:

Through an <iframe> tag

By creating a JavaScript object

Using DevCloudAPI’s URL

In this section, we will quickly run and see how the viewer looks in its default state. To do that, we’ll go with option 3, using DevCloudAPI’s own hosting platform. This is useful when you wish to test and see how your PDF viewer looks before you embed it into your own website.

Click on the ‘Use Foxit Developer Cloud API’ tab. And click on the ‘Open Link’ icon:

The DevCloudAPI PDF Viewer will open in a new tab as below:

As easy as this, you have opened up the DevCloudAPI PDF Viewer for the first time! Now that you understand the first steps on how to deploy the viewer, we will look at the different options of viewers the DevCloudAPI provides, and a few more topics on how to use the platform.

Usage and Quotas

The DevCloudAPI Platform usage is tracked by requests. To see how many times you have used the platform, go to the ‘Usage’ section in the dashboard:

In the ‘API Request’ table, the data will be displayed on how many times a request has been made to open the DevCloudAPI PDF Viewer.

Every month, the platform will track how many requests have been made to the DevCloudAPI to open the viewer. If you want to control how many requests are made, you may set up a limit to how many times the viewer can be opened in a month.

Setting up a monthly Quota

Click on the ‘Edit’ icon to set a quota limit for monthly usage.

At the ‘Update Quota’ window, you may set up a number for the maximum amount of requests the DevCloudAPI should process in a month. We’ll choose five hundred requests per month (approx. 17 requests per day). Click on ‘Update Quota’.

Done! DevCloudAPI will display a toast message once the requests reach the monthly limit. You can update the quota again at any point. If you wish to disable the quota again, just add ‘-1’ in the ‘Update Quota’ number at it will be automatically disabled.


The Analytics page provides an in-depth tracking of the DevCloudAPI platform usage and how you interact with your projects, your viewer deployment and much more. You may select a specific time-range from the button options below to see how your uses have been tracking.

And this is a quick introduction to get you started using DevCloudAPI platform! You should be able to start testing and choose which API you’d like to use, create new projects and much more.

For more documentation please click here or create an account here.

About Us

Foxit is the industry leader in PDF SDK Technology. We help you to add complete PDF functionality to your project and develop across all platforms and environments on one Core API.

Our Contacts

41841 Albrae Street,
Fremont, CA 94538, USA

Sales: 1-866-680-3668
Support: 1-866-693-6948